What is a spinal misalignment?
Spinal misalignment, also known as spinal subluxation, occurs when the vertebrae deviate from their normal position. This misalignment can result in one or more vertebrae pinching a nerve which extends from spinal chord. While a common symptom of this problem is localized pain, the subtle impact on the rest of our health can be even more drastic. Many of these nerves, when pinched, could impair the function of many of our organs, muscles, or even disrupt our immune system. If you view the chart above, you can see the extent of the problems that may occur from a misalignment. Since general health doctors are typically not trained to consider these problems, they are often overlooked in a diagnosis for an array of common health problems. Since these misalignments can greatly impair the immune system, it could serve as an explanation to why some patients may not respond as well to certain cancer treatments.
What causes a spinal misalignment?
The causes of a misalignment can be attributed to a vast assortment of factors which arise in our daily routines. Leading a sedentary lifestyle promotes bad posture and weakens the muscles in our back which help support the vertebrae and keeps them in their natural alignment. Bending the back while lifting an object off of the ground, intense exercise, falls, automobile accidents, and other injuries can result in spinal misalignment. Being overweight also puts a lot of excess stress on the spinal column and can makes you more susceptible to spinal injury such as disc herniation and misalignment. As we age, our discs will begin to degenerate, making the connective fibers weaker and more susceptible to injuries such as herniation.
How do I correct my spinal alignment?
Correction of a spinal misalignment can be done through a series of professional chiropractic adjustments or a well structured yoga course. Depending on the severity of the condition and what approach a patient takes to correcting the problem, they can typically begin feeling a response in as little as one treatment from a chiropractor or one week of yoga sessions. Other individuals with more serious conditions such as a disc herniation, may require several months of adjustments or even surgery intervention to correct the problem. Some individuals have even had success correcting their spine at home through a series of stretches known as the 5 Tibetan rites. Doing these stretches can also aide in keeping the muscles strong around the spine and help prevent another misalignment in the future.
Tips For Prevention
Drinking plenty of water every day will keep help keep our discs hydrated and slow down the degeneration process. Managing your weight and keeping your back flexible and strong through routine exercise reduces the risk of misalignment and keeps our discs healthy. Always practice a good, upright posture when setting at the computer or standing.
If you would like to learn more about natural approaches to treating cancer, I have published a kindle book called Cancer: Natural Therapies and Cures.
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